Connections & Metering

New Connections and Metering

Welcome to Brightwater, your go-to water services partner in Scotland. We’re all about getting things done efficiently, and our collaboration with Scottish Water ensures your water services are reliable and expertly handled.

Straightforward Partnership with Scottish Water

At Brightwater, we understand the importance of a smooth water supply. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Scottish Water, the folks responsible for Scotland’s pipe network since 2002. They know their stuff, and we trust them to deliver top-notch metering services for our customers.

Our commitment to efficiency means we manage the whole process with Scottish Water, making sure installations and maintenance are quick and to the point. This joint effort allows us to offer you dependable water services without any unnecessary fuss.

Practical Metering Services

Brightwater provides practical metering services, all carried out by Scottish Water on our behalf. These include:

  • New Connections: Setting up new water connections based on your needs.
  • Re-connections: Making sure re-connections are hassle-free for uninterrupted water supply.
  • Meter Accuracy Testing: Regular testing to keep your water meters on point.
  • Meter Repairs & Replacements: Swift fixes or replacements to address any issues ASAP.
  • Meter Upgrades: Upgrading meters for better functionality.
  • Meter Downsizing: Adjusting meter sizes to match your changing needs.
  • Automated Monitoring: Implementing automated systems for continuous monitoring.
  • Temporary and Permanent Disconnections: Offering flexibility for temporary or permanent disconnections based on your needs.

While these services may come with some costs, our team is here to help you weigh the options and make informed decisions about your water services.

What’s the Next Step?

If you want more info about our metering and connection services, just reach out. Our team is here to provide the details you need to make smart choices about your water services. Brightwater isn’t just a water services provider; we’re your practical partner, bringing efficiency and reliability to your water needs.